
Quality oven brands are designed to withstand years of wear and tear. However, you also have a role to play in ensuring your kitchen equipment lasts longer and functions properly. Regular cleaning and maintaining its components are some of the key tips you should consider for your oven to last longer. If your stove is not properly cared for, you may find yourself visiting a technician for oven repair more often than you wish. To avoid this waste of time and resources, here are some tips to take good care of your oven.

Oven Maintenance Tips

Maintain Regular Cleaning

According to appliance experts, your oven should be cleaned thoroughly at least four times a year (once every three months) to make it more efficient. However, if you use your oven frequently or for long periods, cleaning it four times a year will not suffice; you will need to clean it oftentimes.
Allowing leftover food to amass in the oven without cleaning could lead to the growth of molds and other harmful microorganisms that can cause food poisoning. Reusing the oven without proper cleaning can also affect the flavor and smell of any food made using the oven.

Use the Oven’s Self-Cleaning Feature

Using the oven’s self-cleaning features is one of the most effective means of maintaining your oven. You can find this feature in most ovens; however, not everyone knows how to utilize it. To use the self-cleaning option effectively, you may have to read the oven’s manual or contact the manufacturer’s helplines to get the right information.
After using the self-cleaning features, you must wait until the oven is cool before wiping the inside part. You must also consider all safety precautions when using this feature. For instance, you shouldn’t leave the self-cleaning feature on when you cannot monitor it.

Ensure Your Oven is Unplugged When You Clean

If you are using an electric oven; you must turn off the oven or unplug it whenever you are cleaning. This prevents the risk of being electrocuted. If your oven is powered by other sources, for example, gasoline, you don’t really need to worry about unplugging. However, it is highly recommended that you disconnect your ovens or stoves from the gas tank when they are not in use.

Always Remove Water

Since the oven is mostly made up of metallic sheets, this makes it prone to rust. To prevent your oven from rusting, you must not allow water in any of its parts. Even after cleaning it, you should take time to re-wipe it using dry clothes.

Clean Underneath and Behind the Oven

For your oven to work effectively, there needs to be some space around it. This is to allow proper airflow, but it can leave room for dust and dirt to accumulate. Most ovens are also designed to have some sort of ventilation device; however, these structures might block or get damaged with time.
So when cleaning the oven, ensure you remove the debris, crumbs, or any other junk that could have accumulated on all parts. These substances inhibit the flow of air, and if it overheats due to insufficient air, it could result in fire outbreaks.

Don’t Remove the Oven’s Knobs

It is dangerous to remove the oven’s knobs, especially when cleaning. This is because they are connected directly to the oven’s control system and may be electrically powered. Removing the knob and spraying any form of liquid on it while cleaning exposes you to the risk of electrocution.

Always Inspect Your Gas Line and Replace it if Faulty

Your gas line should be inspected regularly. This check becomes even more important when installing a new oven. You don’t necessarily need to always replace your gas line whenever you get a new oven. But if it is worn out, it should be replaced. This helps prevent leakage and reduces the chances of leakage. It’s also important to note that repairing a gas line is not advisable – it should be replaced.

Inspect Your Door Gaskets

The door gasket is the rubber piece that is installed along the oven’s door lines. Its function is to help seal in heat. As your oven is in use, this gasket could deteriorate, which will allow heat to pass through. A damaged door gasket will eventually make your oven fail to heat properly. When this happens, you will need to fix or replace the entire gasket. Regular inspection of the oven’s gasket will help you know when it needs replacement and help prevent further damages.

Carry Out Regular Checks on the Oven’s Element (Burners)

Performing regular checks on the burners will help you prevent damage to your oven and be aware of necessary repairs. Once you notice any debris, deformities, or a glowing spot that is slightly brighter than the rest, this is a sign to call an appliance repairman. If you see any of these, pay close attention before it results in something injurious. For example, overlooking slightly damaged burners could result in a spark that would create a flame, thus damaging the oven and potentially cause a house fire.

Clean Your Racks Properly

When cleaning your oven, it is easy to forget about cleaning the racks. Most people focus on the sides and bottom of the oven since you can easily spot food stains there. However, your oven racks also need to be inspected and cleaned regularly. Don’t forget to clean the racks of the oven regularly too!

Take Care When Baking

When baking, it is always advisable to put a larger baking sheet under the trays. The baking sheet will cover all the leaks and help reduce the mess made in the oven. After baking, if there are still spills, always wipe them, but be sure to wait till the oven is cool.
If you see your oven as an investment, it becomes easier to maintain and care for it. Performing regular maintenance and getting into routines will prolong your oven’s lifespan and help you get the best results from it.
To learn more about various oven maintenance and cleaning methods, visit us at https://pittsburghappliancerepairs.com/oven-repair-pittsburgh/.

Pittsburgh Appliance Repairs
4323 Murray Ave, Pittsburgh
PA 15217 Pittsburgh
(412) 532-1229

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